Global Transport & Logistics

Leading edge solutions driven by commitment, knowledge and efficiency.

Right place, right time, on time, every time. Transport solutions that simply make good business sense.

Simplify your supply chain now.
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"Transporting a shipment from A to B (simply put), that's the essence of transport. But good transportation involves more, a whole lot more"

With Logistx, you are in good hands. We have an extensive knowledge in providing pan-European and Worldwide assistance to your logistical and installation requirements.

Our focus and main company activity is to offer European and Worldwide transport solutions to all sectors of industry all from one point of contact.

We are an independent UK owned company, focused on delivering a very high quality service to professionals and UK businesses alike.

Whatever the shipment size or requirement, we have a perfect solution.

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Logistx Limited

Custom Solutions that Connect Industry.

+44 (0)1843 599644

P.O. Box 1559, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 9RP